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Sleekplan is an all-in-one feedback tool that streamlines the process of collecting, organizing, and utilizing user feedback to improve products or services. It includes features such as feedback boards, roadmaps, changelogs, and satisfaction surveys to help businesses track and prioritize customer needs. The tool also integrates with other commonly used platforms to make the feedback process more efficient. Customers have praised Sleekplan for its user-friendly interface and its ability to provide valuable insights for product decisions.


  1. Easy to use and user-friendly interface.
  2. Effective customer feedback collection and prioritization.
  3. Allows teams to collaborate and communicate effectively.
  4. Helps businesses to make data-driven decisions.
  5. Streamlines product management process.
  6. Integrates with popular project management tools.
  7. Offers customizable feedback forms.
  8. Provides real-time feedback and feature tracking.


  1. Limited customization options.
  2. Does not have a free version.
  3. Requires a learning curve for users unfamiliar with similar tools.
  4. Lacks advanced analytics and reporting features.
  5. Can be expensive for small businesses.


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If you're interested in making the switch, we offer a free migration. The IdeaPlan support team is here to help you with any questions. Effortlessly capture, track and organise your customers' feedback with a system built around your needs.